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As the Aging Population Grows, House Designs Are Changing in America

America’s aging population is favoring home fitness and accessibility in home design.

According to KX News, the designs of homes are taking a new shape, with Americans redefining a new meaning to the “perfect home.” And it all starts with home fitness.

“I think as we get more sensitive to people with various disabilities,” said AARP Associate State Director for Community Outreach, Doreen Streyle, “having that home be a safe and accessible place for people to gather is really important for folks.”

The AARP defines home fitness or universal design as the ability for people to live safely and comfortably in their homes no matter what age or life stage they fall under, being especially vital for families who can’t afford long-term care facilities.

“We all know how expensive it is to get into an assisted living or a nursing home type situation,” said Streyle, “but by having your home safe, you might be better off in the long run ’cause you might save yourself a lot of money.”

With most home designs fitted for young, able-bodied people, the AARP has updated its HomeFit Guide and recently gave a presentation on home fitness in Bismarck.

This free guide addresses a range of household hazards, along with solutions to make houses safer and accessible such as zero-step entrances or doorways with 32-inch clearances.

The AARP also has an app, HomeFit AR, that allows software to scan houses and identify potential safety risks.

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