Housing EconomyNewsletter

Interest Rate Cuts Expand Consumer Credit Growth in Q4 2024

According to an Eye On Housing article authored by Economic Services Manager of the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Onnah Dereski, Total outstanding U.S. consumer credit stood at $5.15 trillion for the fourth quarter of 2024, increasing at an annualized rate of 4.22% (seasonally adjusted), according to the Federal Reserve’s G.19 Consumer Credit Report. This is an uptick from the third quarter of 2024’s rate of 2.47%. 

The G.19 report excludes mortgage loans, so the data primarily reflects consumer credit in the form of student loans, auto loans, and credit card plans. As consumer spending has outpaced personal income, savings rates have been declining, and consumer credit has increased. Previously, consumer credit growth had slowed, as high inflation and rising interest rates led people to reduce their borrowing. However, in the last two quarters, growth rates have increased, reflecting the rate cuts that took place at the end of the third quarter.  

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