
New Housing Development Will Be ‘Economic Boost’ for Iowa

Iowa looks forward to a new housing “renaissance.”

According to American Press, the vineyards will have 70 rental units across seven townhome buildings on a 34-acre tract. There will be seven two-bedroom units for $899 and 63 three-bedroom units for $1,060. Watkins said the development will provide vital affordable housing options for working and middle-class families, and the subsequent community growth will “spread the expense” of the town’s infrastructure leading to a “smaller cost for each of our citizens.” This development is the beginning of a “renaissance” that Iowa is expecting, he said.

“Both the council and I believe this has been the most vetted development to come into the town of Iowa in its history,” he said. “We’re excited to see the benefits that come from it.” The town was first contacted about the development in 2022, about two months before Watkins took office, he explained. Communications took place via email until the matter was brought to the council in September 2023. After a few more council meetings, and public meetings regarding infrastructure, aesthetic and crime-related concerns, permits were granted in June 2024. He stated he and the council had initial concerns about flooding and new developments as the town had been “burdened with excess costs of repairs that had been turned over to the city in years past.”

To address potential infrastructure problems, the council voted for the Gravity Drainage Board District 2 to review any new development in town limits. This step requires any new development to have a letter of release stating that flood mitigation practices are “proper and adequate,” he said. Additionally, the drainage engineer will be consulted for concerns about gravity drainage. Watkins said this collaboration between the four parties “ensures financial protection for the citizens of Iowa.” Community concerns regarding crime had been raised. This was one of the council’s biggest concerns as well, Watkins said. At the press conference, he explained that The Vineyards is not section eight housing – the income limit is $64,200 – and the property managers have a zero-tolerance policy for criminal activity. The housing complex will have a full perimeter fence, will be well lit and will have a complete security system that monitors the common areas of the development. The Iowa Police Department will have access to the recorded footage. He anticipates the development will be complete in about 11 months.

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