
Newport Mansions: Preserving and Showcasing Newport, Rhode Island’s Architectural Heritage

Great Houses serve as conduits to a nation’s history, offering glimpses into bygone eras. The Preservation Society of Newport County, known as “Newport Mansions,” is a nonprofit dedicated to safeguarding and showcasing a remarkable array of house museums and landscapes in one of America’s most historically intact cities.

According to Boston Common, we hold in public trust the Newport Mansions which are an integral part of the living fabric of Newport, Rhode Island. These sites exemplify three centuries of the finest achievements in American architecture, decorative arts, and landscape design spanning the Colonial era to the Gilded Age.

Through our historic properties, educational programs, lectures, special events and related activities we engage the public in the story of America’s vibrant cultural heritage. We seek to inspire and promote an appreciation of the value of preservation to enrich the lives of people everywhere.

Our 11 historic properties and landscapes – seven of which are National Historic Landmarks – trace America’s architectural and social development from the Colonial era through the Gilded Age. In keeping with its mission, the Society strives to offer its members and the public a comprehensive view of each property’s architecture, interiors, landscapes and social history.

Our team of researchers, artisans, fabricators, builders and conservators work tirelessly preserving and protecting our collection of historic homes and artifacts. Preservation never sleeps, and we are eternally grateful for the generosity of our Society members, trustees and ticket-buying visitors. They are are our dedicated partners in preservation.

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