
Pandemic Boomtown Housing Prices Slow but Retain Most of Their Gains

Experiencing dynamic shifts over the past few years, the hottest United States housing market is showcasing a pattern of constant change and evolution. Camden, New Jersey was put as one of the top metro areas for appreciation in March 2024 in CoreLogic’s May Home Price Insights report, and South Dakota as the second-fastest appreciating state.

According to CoreLogic, This was not the case one year ago. In March 2023, Miami and Florida led the way. Conversely, the bottom metro was Austin, Texas, while Idaho was the slowest-appreciating state at that time. Three years ago, the latter two locations were lauded as the new real estate hot spots, leading the country for gains during the pandemic; now they are fairly cold. However, despite the sharp turnaround, pandemic boomtown housing markets still appear resilient for the future.

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